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Release Steps for the s3gw project

Context and Problem Statement

Releasing is an essential process for the s3gw project. Given the project is composed by various sub-projects, that need to be prepared, tested, and eventually released, the Release Process is not trivial.

This document defines and agrees on the steps required to release the s3gw project, and results from splitting the Release Process ADR in three documents: Release Methodology, Release Steps (this document), and Release Testing.

This document supersedes the Release Process ADR.

Note Before

It is important to be familiar with the various concepts defined in the Release Methodology ADR, and the release validation process described in Release Testing.

There are five repositories involved in the release process:

  • s3gw: Where most of our tooling and infrastructure scripts live.
  • s3gw-ui: The User Interface for s3gw.
  • s3gw-charts: Containing the Helm Chart to deploy s3gw in a Kubernetes context.
  • ceph: Where the core backend of s3gw lives.
  • cosi-driver: The COSI driver for Kubernetes.

Of these, we refer to s3gw as the project's repository, and the remaining four to be sub-projects of the s3gw project.

[Note on the s3gw-charts repository]

The Helm Chart requires the containers to be available for download from Quay before it can be published. Therefore, we can't trigger the s3gw-charts repository release workflow before the various containers have been built.

In turn, the containers are only built during the s3gw repository's release workflow.

However, to ensure the consistency of the release branch (and its various release versions), we must guarantee that the charts submodule in the s3gw repository is pointing to a commit representing the Helm Chart at the specific version we are releasing.

This becomes a bit of a chicken and egg problem: we need to have a commit in the s3gw-charts repository we can point to from the s3gw repository, so we can build the containers, but we also need the containers first before we can trigger the release workflow in s3gw-charts.

This is overcome by having the release workflow being triggered on push to branches following a specific format in the s3gw-charts repository, but using a different branch to perform all required actions until then.

Thanks to git's nature, as long as the commit is somewhere in the repository, regardless of branch, it is a valid commit we can point to from the s3gw repository's charts submodule.

Therefore, we will be using branches in the format s3gw-vX.Y for preparatory release actions, and a branch in the format vX.Y when it is time to trigger the chart's release workflow. Keep this in mind while following the release process steps.

Step-by-Step Release Process

This section describes the release process, step by step. For a condensed version of the release process, command by command, see the later section Manual Process.

For example purposes, we assume we are releasing version 0.99.0.

  1. For each sub-project repository, and for the s3gw repository, branch off main to a new release branch. This can be achieved via the GitHub web UI1, or by pushing the new branch to the repository via the CLI2. Release branch names follow the s3gw-vX.Y convention; i.e., s3gw-v0.99.

  2. Ensure all sub-project repositories are checked out at the s3gw-v0.99 branch. Assuming upstream as the source remote, and that the branching was performed through the GitHub web UI (i.e., not manually through the CLI), checking out looks like the following:

    git checkout upstream/s3gw-v0.99 -b s3gw-v0.99
  3. In the s3gw-charts repository, on branch s3gw-v0.99, update the Chart version to 0.99.0. The Chart file can be found in charts/s3gw/Chart.yaml.

  4. Stage and commit the updated Chart.

    git add charts/s3gw/Chart.yaml
    git commit --signoff --gpg-sign -m "Release v0.99.0"
  5. For each sub-project, tag the release branch as a release candidate3. Keep in mind that when tagging, creating a signed and annotated tag4 is crucial.

    git tag --annotate --sign -m "Release Candidate 1 for v0.99.0" s3gw-v0.99.0-rc1
  6. For each sub-project, push the s3gw-v0.99 branch, as well as the newly created tag.

    git push upstream s3gw-v0.99
    git push upstream --tags s3gw-v0.99.0-rc1
  7. In the s3gw repository's newly created release branch, update the various sub-projects' state to reflect the now existing tags. This can be achieved in by checking out the appropriate tag on each individual sub-project's submodule directory. A commit will be necessary to persist the changes. The following shows a trimmed example of what to do.

    # in the root of the s3gw repo, branch s3gw-v0.99
    cd ceph/
    git remote update
    git checkout origin/s3gw-v0.99.0-rc1
    cd ..
    git add ceph/

    # repeat for the several other sub-projects
  8. Write the release notes for v0.99.0 into docs/release-notes/ and update the latest symlink in docs/release-notes to point to the newly created file.

  9. Commit the changes required for the release candidate.

    git commit --signoff --gpg-sign -m "Release Candidate 1 for v0.99.0"
  10. Tag the s3gw repository with the appropriate release candidate tag. It is important, that this tag contains only the vX.Y.Z version.

    git tag --annotate --sign -m "Release Candidate 1 for v0.99.0" v0.99.0-rc1
  11. Push the release branch and tag. This will trigger the release pipeline, creating the various release artifacts and a draft release.

    git push upstream s3gw-v0.99
    git push upstream --tags v0.99.0-rc1
  12. Once the containers have been created and pushed to Quay, it's time to start validating the release candidate. Please refer to the Release Testing ADR before continuing.

  13. If any patches needed to be backported at some point since the last release candidate, please go back to step 5. and increase the release candidate version by 1 (i.e., -rc2, -rc3, etc.). Even if a particular sub-project repository has not been changed, it is still crucial to tag it with the new release candidate version, for consistency across repositories.

  14. Assuming everything goes well, we can now go through step 5. but, instead of tagging for a release candidate version, we will be tagging for the release version.

    git tag --annotate --sign -m "Release v0.99.0" v0.99.0
    git push upstream --tags v0.99.0

    By pushing the branch with the release tag, we will trigger the release workflow that will build the various release artifacts and publish the containers on Quay.

  15. Once the final release containers have been built, it is time to deal with the s3gw-charts repository and trigger the Helm Chart release (if you are unfamiliar with the problematic, please refer to the this section). To do this, we simply push the contents of our s3gw-v0.99 branch to v0.99.

    git push upstream s3gw-v0.99:v0.99
  16. As soon as the Helm Chart has been published on ArtifactHub, we are ready to finalize the release.

    During the release workflow triggered in step 14., a draft release was created for v0.99.0. This can be found in the releases page in the s3gw GitHub repository web page.

    This release draft was built using the release notes file in the s3gw-v0.99 branch, and will be pre-populated. Editing may be required to make it presentable.

    It can now be published.

  17. Check if there are release drafts for previous Release Candidates. If so, remove them.

  18. It is now time to shout about the latest release from the rooftops. A release announcement should be sent to the various communication channels being used by the project.

    • rancher-users Slack channel #s3gw
    • SUSE Slack channel #discuss-s3gw
    • project mailing list at

    The format for the release announcement can be found in the Release Announcement section.

  19. Finally, we need to synchronize the main branches of the s3gw and the s3gw-charts repositories with their respective s3gw-v0.99 branches, so the individual main branches are up-to-date. This means cherry-picking the individual release and release candidate commits into main. You will need to check for the individual commits SHA1s yourself; you may ask for help from the team if you are unsure what to do. A good rule of thumb is to cherry-pick those commits that would make the main branches represent the latest release. For instance, in the s3gw repository, this will likely involve the commits updating the submodules and the one adding the release notes for v0.99.0; on the s3gw-charts repository, it will mean the commit updating the chart version to 0.99.0.

[Manual Process]

Assuming we are releasing version 0.99.0, for every repository, first we need to branch off main to a new branch s3gw-v0.99.0. We can do this via the GitHub web UI or via the CLI. This document describes doing it via the CLI.

  1. Branch off main into s3gw-v0.99.0

    cd /aquarist-labs/s3gw-ceph.git
    git remote update upstream
    git checkout upstream/main -b s3gw-v0.99.0

    cd /aquarist-labs/s3gw-ui.git
    git remote update upstream
    git checkout upstream/main -b s3gw-v0.99.0

    cd /aquarist-labs/s3gw-cosi-driver.git
    git remote update upstream
    git checkout upstream/s3gw -b s3gw-v0.99.0

    cd /aquarist-labs/s3gw-charts.git
    git remote update upstream
    git checkout upstream/main -b s3gw-v0.99.0

    cd /aquarist-labs/s3gw.git
    git remote update upstream
    git checkout upstream/main -b s3gw-v0.99.0
  2. Update the Helm Chart version in /aquarist-labs/s3gw-charts.git/charts/s3gw/Chart.yaml to 0.99.0

  3. Stage and commit the updated Chart

    cd /aquarist-labs/s3gw-charts.git
    git add charts/s3gw/Chart.yaml
    git commit --signoff --gpg-sign -m "Release v0.99.0"
  4. For each sub-project, tag the release branch as a release candidate, and push to upstream

    cd /aquarist-labs/s3gw-ceph.git
    git tag --annotate --sign -m "Release Candidate 1 for v0.99.0" s3gw-v0.99.0-rc1
    git push upstream s3gw-v0.99
    git push upstream --tags s3gw-v0.99.0-rc1

    cd /aquarist-labs/s3gw-ui.git
    git tag --annotate --sign -m "Release Candidate 1 for v0.99.0" s3gw-v0.99.0-rc1
    git push upstream s3gw-v0.99
    git push upstream --tags s3gw-v0.99.0-rc1

    cd /aquarist-labs/s3gw-cosi-driver.git
    git tag --annotate --sign -m "Release Candidate 1 for v0.99.0" s3gw-v0.99.0-rc1
    git push upstream s3gw-v0.99
    git push upstream --tags s3gw-v0.99.0-rc1

    cd /aquarist-labs/s3gw-charts.git
    git tag --annotate --sign -m "Release Candidate 1 for v0.99.0" s3gw-v0.99.0-rc1
    git push upstream s3gw-v0.99
    git push upstream --tags s3gw-v0.99.0-rc1
  5. In the s3gw repository, update the submodules in the s3gw-v0.99 branch to match the tags that were created.

    cd /aquarist-labs/s3gw.git

    cd ceph/
    git remote update origin
    git checkout s3gw-v0.99.0-rc1
    cd ..
    git add ceph/

    cd ui/
    git remote update origin
    git checkout s3gw-v0.99.0-rc1
    cd ..
    git add ui/

    cd cosi-driver/
    git remote update origin
    git checkout s3gw-v0.99.0-rc1
    cd ..
    git add cosi-driver/

    cd charts/
    git remote update origin
    git checkout s3gw-v0.99.0-rc1
    cd ..
    git add charts/
  6. Write the release notes for v0.99.0 (e.g., /tmp/

    cd /aquarist-labs/s3gw.git/docs/release-notes
    cp /tmp/
    ln -fs latest
    git add
    git add latest
  7. Commit changes required for the release candidate, and tag the commit. Note that the tag format for the s3gw repository is in the vX.Y.Z format instead of s3gw-vX.Y.Z as for the remaining repositories

    cd /aquarist-labs/s3gw.git
    git commit --signoff --gpg-sign -m "Release Candidate 1 for v0.99.0"
    git tag --annotate --sign -m "Release Candidate 1 for v0.99.0" v0.99.0-rc1
  8. Push the release branch and the tag

    cd /aquarist-labs/s3gw.git
    git push upstream s3gw-v0.99.0
    git push upstream --tags v0.99.0-rc1
  9. Once the release workflow finishes, and the containers are available in s3gw's Quay, we can start testing the release candidate. Please refer to the Release Testing ADR for more information

  10. If there is a need for further release candidates, go back to step 4., and proceed as needed. Otherwise, we can trigger the final release build

    cd /aquarist-labs/s3gw.git
    git tag --annotate --sign -m "Release v0.99.0" v0.99.0
    git push upstream --tags v0.99.0
  11. Once the final release containers have been built, we can then trigger the release workflow for the charts repository

    cd /aquarist-labs/s3gw-charts.git
    git push upstream s3gw-v0.99:v0.99
  12. As soon as the Helm Chart has been published on Artifact Hub, we can finalize the release. The next step is to publish the release draft that was generated, which can be found in the releases page. There may be drafts for the release candidates as well - delete them

  13. Announce the release on the various communication channels. Please refer to the Release Announcement section for more information.

  14. Finally, we just synchronize the main branches of the s3gw and the s3gw-charts repositories with their respective s3gw-v0.99 branches, so the individual main branches are up-to-date. This means cherry-picking the individual release and release candidate commits into main. You will need to check for the individual commits SHA1s yourself; you may ask for help from the team if you are unsure what to do

    cd /aquarist-labs/s3gw.git
    git checkout upstream/main -b merge_v0.99_into_main
    git cherry-pick -x --no-signoff <SHA1> [<SHA1>...]
    git push upstream merge_v0.99_into_main

    cd /aquarist-labs/s3gw-charts.git
    git checkout upstream/main -b merge_v0.99_into_main
    git cherry-pick -x --no-signoff <SHA1> [<SHA1>...]
    git push upstream merge_v0.99_into_main

    And then open a Pull Request on each branch, from their respective merge_v0.99_into_main branches to main, and ask for a review.

[Release Announcement]

via Slack

Announce the release of the s3gw in the following Slack channels:

  • SUSE workspace: #discuss-s3gw
  • Rancher Users workspace: #s3gw
  It's my pleasure to announce the release of :s3gw: S3 Gateway v0.99.0 :tada:

This release once again includes a couple of exciting changes, most notably:

- Refactoring of amazing things :male-mechanic:
- Various UI fixes and improvements :star2:
- Various chart improvements :helm-intensifies:
- More awesomeness :awesome:

Breaking Changes:

- The on-disk format of the metadata store has changed. Volumes previously
used with an older version of s3gw are not guaranteed to work with this
and following versions.

Get the container images from:

or just use the :helm: chart

via Email

Announce the release via our s3gw mailing list by sending an email to the list:


Subject: Release v0.99.0

It's my pleasure to announce the release of S3 Gateway v0.99.0

This release once again includes a couple of exciting changes, most notably:

- Refactoring of the amazing things
- Various UI fixes and improvements
- Various chart improvements
- More awesomeness

Breaking Changes:

- The on-disk format of the metadata store has changed. Volumes previously
used with an older version of s3gw are not guaranteed to work with this
and following versions.

Sources for the release are available here[1]
Get the container images from:


or just use the helm chart[2]


[Sanity Checks]

  • s3gw container has been published on Quay for vX.Y.Z.
  • s3gw-ui container has been published on Quay for vX.Y.Z.
  • both containers are appropriately tagged with vX.Y.Z on Quay.
  • both containers are tagged with latest on Quay.
  • latest version containers are the same as the vX.Y.Z containers on Quay.
  • Helm Chart has been properly updated for vX.Y.Z.
  • Helm Chart for vX.Y.Z is visible on ArtifactHub. This can take about 20 minutes.
  • The release notes are in place, both on the s3gw repository's main branch and on the s3gw-vX.Y branch.


  1. For example, for a v0.99.0 release, for the s3gw repository, go to the Branches Page and click the New branch button.

  2. For example, for a v0.99.0 release, git branch --copy main s3gw-v0.99

  3. Please refer to Git's Documentation for more information on Tagging.

  4. Annotated tags keep information about creation time, author, a message, are checksummed, and can be signed, being full fledged git objects. For a release it is important to keep this information. A lightweight tag, on the other hand, is often used for temporary purposes.