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Context and Problem Statement

The goal is to put into place standard labels across all SUSE Rancher projects, which allows people from multiple spheres of interest to have a single glance into top-level work.

Issues and labels are used for:

  • Tracking defects
  • Tracking feature requests
  • Planning releases
  • Managing workflows
  • Reporting stats

The introduction of these changes should have minimum impact on our current workflow since we are mainly renaming already existing labels. We use custom fields to define epics & milestones. We will carry on using them, together with the kind/epic label, since they are a great way of organizing the work.

Considered Options

Labels can be found here:

Issue conventions

All issues should be actionable (within a reasonable timeframe). Usage questions and design brainstorming should happen in GitHub discussions.


Issue titles should be short (up to 70 characters), with the most important info at the front.


Label names are simple strings without spaces or special characters (including emojis) to make it easy to type them into GitHub queries.

Labels are grouped into orthogonal "categories", and ideally, an issue should have no more than one label from each category, e.g. kind/bug, area/kubernetes, component/ui.

When an issue seems to require multiple labels from the same category, it is often a hint that it should be split into multiple issues.

The following list aims to comprehensively document all our labels.


The area category species is the user's visible area that is affected by the issue. It helps to find a duplicate issue during reporting or the triage process.

An example is area/kubernetes.


The component/* category specifies the part of the implementation that will need to be modified during the implementation.

An example is component/ui.


This is the "document kind". Each issue must have exactly one kind/* label. The labels kind/bug and kind/enhancement are being standardized across SUSE Rancher projects.


This issue describes a defect in the software. Sometimes it requires a judgement call, but in general, incomplete functionality, or different behavior from a similar project should be labelled as kind/enhancement instead.


This issue requests additional (or a change in) functionality. The request typically comes from a user or the PO.


An epic is an umbrella issue to implement a feature that can span over one or many release cycles. It includes a work breakdown as a task list for individual kind/story issues.

The epic should include acceptance criteria and link to any documentation and QA work required to finish the epic.

Any unfinished tasks are not automatically rolled over into the next milestone at release time; they go back into the backlog and will have to be scheduled again by the triage team.


A story is an individual work item to implement (part of) a feature. We do not use kind/enhancement for this to avoid diluting the reporting of open feature requests.


This issue is about refactoring, adding tests, improving CI. Any activity that improves the quality of the project, but is neither a bug fix nor a user visible feature.


Not every bug, feature or issue requires having a priority/ label. We won't prioritize every ticket since triage is a long process for those actively participating in it, but it's important to highlight what needs to sorted out urgently.

  • priority/0 – Blocker: For bugs, this is an issue that requires immediate attention and is a release blocker.
  • priority/1 – Critical/Urgent: For bugs, this is an issue that breaks existing functionality but doesn't affect the primary use of the app and should be addressed in the next release.
  • priority/2 – High priority: For bugs, this is an issue that should be triaged amongst other higher priority work.


This label should only be applied to kind/bug issues and signifies that some functionality that was working in a previous release is now broken.


This label is used to mark all issues within a milestone that should be explicitly mentioned in the release notes.


The triage/* category is a bunch of values to indicate why the issue was closed: triage/by-design, triage/duplicate, triage/invalid, triage/not-reproducible, triage/unsupported, and triage/wont-fix. All these should only be applied to closed issues.


We have requested (and are waiting for) additional information from the issue creator. We will have to close the issue unless we receive the info.


We've analyzed the issue all the relevant information is available. It will now be prioritized and added to the release planning.

Decision Outcome

The proposed steps are approved and this document can be used as reference.