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SFS Versioning

Refines ADR 0003-SFS on the object state machine and database columns.


In this document we only look at tables Objects and Versioned Objects.

An object has a name, id, and reference to a bucket

A object version has an id, checksum, {create, commit, delete}_time, mtime, size, state, type, ETag, serialized attributes, etc.

An object is a group of versions identified by bucket and name.

An object has one or more object versions. Regardless of the bucket versioning setting.

Object state is an enum of Open, Committed, Deleted. See Object State Machine.

Object type is an enum of Regular, Delete Marker.

Object State Machine

Open - Initial state. Data is in flight. Data on disk is dirty. A version may stay in this state if, for example, a client fails during a PUT operation. A to be defined GC process cleans this up after a time.

Committed - Upload finished. Data persisted. GETs and LIST will return this object.

Deleted - Soft deletion state, but in terms of S3 permanent deletion.

terminal state - the row no longer exists in the database.

An object will never move back from Deleted to Committed. Deleting a version is treated as permanent, even though it is only permanent after the GC made it so.

State changes also change timestamps:


(See ADR 11 for information on the data type we store)

Versioned objects store the following timestamps:

commit_time - When the object changes to Committed state.

delete_time - When the object changes to Deleted state.

create_time - Set when the row is first created in Open state.

mtime - A modification time passed to SFS. We follow the RADOS logic: Passed a set_mtime and mtime, we persist set_mtime. If is_zero(set_mtime) we take real_clock::now(). Return the mtime we persisted.

Object Version Types

An object version may be of special type delete marker, representing an S3 delete marker in versioned buckets.

Garbage Collection

Input: object versions in deleted state.

Either delete single versions or delete whole objects.

In case whole objects, delete the object row if all versions are deleted. In a transaction delete all versions, then the object.

Should a concurrent transaction add a new version either will fail on the foreign key constraint between version and object. In the GC we continue with the next object; in the create path we retry or let the client retry.



Deleting a version is not to be confused with hiding objects by adding deletion markers. Deleting an object sets the state to DELETED.

Hiding / Deletion Marker

A delete to a versioned bucket without a version creates a delete marker. This hides the object and all its version from unversioned GETs and LISTS.

SFS implements this with object versions having type delete marker. If one exists on an object, it is excluded.

Deletion markers are object versions and follow the same state machine and garbage collection as regular versions do. They however don't have a size and data on the filesystem.

Create / Update

(versioned, unversioned buckets) In a transaction:

  1. Find or create an object row (id, name, bucket)
  2. Create an object version in state OPEN with creation time of now. If versioned, use the version id provided. Otherwise generate one.

Receive and write data.

On completion: (versioned buckets) set state COMMITTED of the previously created version. Record checksum, size, etc.

(unversioned buckets) set state COMMITTED of the previously created version AND set all other versions DELETED.

Access: Listing, GETs

Many operations expect a head, null, last or "canonical" version of an object. We define this as the last committed version, having the latest commit_time timestamp.

If the timestamp resolution is too low to distinguish versions the highest id wins.

(unversioned) Since we rely on versions to implement updates, more than one committed version may exist. We make this less likely by the commit rule in Create / Update above. Should multiple exists, the latest is the one we use.

Out of scope (for now): Versioning Suspended Buckets

For now SFS won't support versioning suspended buckets. Object versions created while the bucket was unversioned or in versioning suspended state have a 'null' version id. This is not directly supported by this design and requires refinement in the future.