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S3 API compatibility

The following table represents the support status for current Amazon S3 functional features, and our forward-looking plans for upcoming releases.

Multipart Uploads
Bucket/Object ACLs
Bucket Object Versions
Bucket/Object Tagging
Bucket Lifecycle🟨
Object Locking
Bucket/User Quotas
Server Side Encryption🟨
Bucket Website🟥
Bucket Notifications🟥🔹
Bucket Request Payment🟥🟥🔹
S3 Storage Classes🟥🟥🔹
Bucket Policy🟥🟥️🔹
IAM / STS🟥🟥🔹
Bucket Replication🟥🟥🟥

🔹 - under consideration / 🟥 - not planned / 🟨 - partial support / ✅ - expected support