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Release Methodology for the s3gw project

Context and Problem Statement

Releasing is an essential process for the s3gw project. Given the project is composed by various sub-projects, that need to be prepared, tested, and eventually released, the Release Process is not trivial.

This document defines and agrees on the Release Methodology for the s3gw project, and results from splitting the Release Process ADR in three documents: methodology (this document), Release Steps, and Release Testing.

This document supersedes the Release Process ADR.


Throughout this document we will often refer to certain things or terms. Below we define what they mean.

  • Version: the state of a given project, at a specific point in time.

  • Release Candidate: the tentative set of deliverables from the various s3gw sub-projects' repositories at a certain version. It may become the final Release.

  • Release: the set of deliverables from the various s3gw sub-projects' repositories at a certain version, published, and accompanied by a Release Statement.

  • Release Statement: a document associated with a given Release, detailing the version being released, and a Changelog.

  • Changelog: a list of significant changes that merit being communicated to stakeholders in a human-consumable format.

  • Release Pipeline: the set of automated workflows triggered on a specific moment, resulting in a set of containers or artifacts to be released.

  • Release Branch: the state of a given project's development branch at a given point in time, as a separate named branch in said project's git repository.

  • Backport: the act of applying a patch to a Release Branch originated in a more recent Release Branch or the development branch.

  • Quay: the current container registry of choice, found at

Architecture of a Release

The s3gw project is composed by multiple sub-projects:

  • s3gw-ui: The User Interface for s3gw.
  • s3gw-charts: Containing the Helm Chart to deploy s3gw in a Kubernetes context.
  • s3gw: Where most of our tooling and infrastructure scripts live.
  • ceph: Where the core backend of s3gw lives.
  • cosi-driver: The COSI driver for Kubernetes.

Releasing s3gw is essentially a coordinated process with all the sub-projects, which need to be prepared at different stages.

For instance, while the s3gw-ui, and ceph sub-projects can be prepared independently, the s3gw-charts sub-project requires all pieces to be in place before the final Release is performed. This stems from the Helm Chart we provide depending on the various containers being published to Quay; otherwise, the chart being released would point to unavailable containers.


Each release follows Semantic Versioning, with versions being in the format vX.Y.Z.

When dealing with the individual sub-projects' repositories, we use s3gw-vX.Y for release branches and s3gw-vX.Y.Z for version tags. The s3gw- prefix in the sub-projects is needed to avoid naming conflicts with existing tags in the ceph repository. It is particularly important to understand the difference between a release branch and a version tag.

A release branch represents the tree upon which the release vX.Y is based on, and once created becomes immutable except for bug fixes (by backporting from the main development branch). The version tags specify the point at which a given release branch is released. A release branch may have multiple version tags throughout the duration of its support lifecycle, as bug fixes are backported to that particular release.


A release represents a point in time of each sub-project's repositories. To keep track of the state of a sub-project's state at that point in time, we rely on branches. This allows us to bound the scope of a specific release, and makes maintaining a release easier, especially when we need to release one or more patch versions on top of the initial release version.

     main    s3gw-vX.Y branch
| |
G o <tag: s3gw-vX.Y.1>
| |
F F'
| |
E o <tag: s3gw-vX.Y.0>
| |
D E'
| .--' s3gw-vX.Y initial branch

The diagram above represents the branching out of version vX.Y from the main branch for a given sub-project's repository. As one can see, version X.Y.0 is released based on the initial branched off history, containing patches A, B, and C, plus a backport of patch E. Later on, version X.Y.1 is released containing an additional backport for patch F. Both these backports are assumed to be bug fixes. We thus maintain a stable source of truth for version X.Y, while being able to release versions of said branch at different points in time.

Release Candidate

Once we branch out the main branch to a release branch s3gw-vX.Y, we have a given state with which we are comfortable but that still needs to be validated prior to being released. This validation includes several automated and manual tests, which are described in Release Testing, but will require release containers and artifacts to be built. These will be automatically built by our infrastructure, but require nonetheless a tag to be associated with it.

Given we can't simply create a version tag for something that hasn't been validated, we will rely on release candidates instead. Much like a version tag, a release candidate specifies that a given point in time of a particular release branch is considered close enough to being released, and takes the form of a tag in the format s3gw-vX.Y.Z-rcN, with N being the number of the release candidate for version X.Y.Z, in ascending fashion. As an example, take the diagram below.

     main    s3gw-vX.Y branch
| |
G o <tag: s3gw-vX.Y.1-rc1> <tag: s3gw-vX.Y.1>
| |
F F'
| |
E o <tag: s3gw-vX.Y.0-rc2> <tag: s3gw-vX.Y.0>
| |
| E'
D |
| o <tag: s3gw-vX.Y.0-rc1>
| /

In this example we can see that, upon branching off from main, we create a s3gw-vX.Y.0-rc1 tag, which will trigger our infrastructure automation and build the various artifacts needed for a release. In this case we must have identified a problem, because we had to apply a backport E' to the release branch. This would have led us to create a new release candidate s3gw-vX.Y.0-rc2, which upon validation was deemed correct and released as s3gw-vX.Y.0. Later on we must have found that a new bug fix was required, had patch F' backported, and a new release candidate for version X.Y.1 was created, s3gw-vX.Y.1-rc1. Once this release candidate was properly validated, version vX.Y.1 was released.