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s3gw-ui backend

Context and Problem Statement

The current s3gw-ui format is as a browser application, loaded and run solely client-side, which directly speaks to the s3gw service (RGW, henceforth known as s3gw).

The diagram represents the various steps in the workings of the s3gw-ui. As one can see, traefik is always in the middle of the communication between the user's browser and both the s3gw-ui and the s3gw service; and we can also see that s3gw-ui does not communicate directly with s3gw. Instead, what happens is that during 1 and 2 we have the user's browser accessing the s3gw-ui container and being presented with the s3gw-ui application (via 3 and 4); this application is then loaded by the browser, and all subsequent actions happen client-side, without involving s3gw-ui (except if additional UI resources need to be loaded). All further communication with s3gw is done directly from the user's browser to the s3gw service (see 5, 6, 7, and 8).

The problem with CORS

Given the s3gw-ui is served to the client from a different host than the one s3gw is running on, we are subject to a modern browser mechanism intended to prevent a website to load cross-origin resources from servers that do not intend to share said resources (CORS).

While it is known how to make a web server allow cross-origin access to its resources, in our specific case it's a non-trivial endeavor because s3gw does not support a default CORS policy (other than for user-defined buckets), and thus does not populate CORS headers that the client expects. This results in the client refusing to allow the s3gw-ui from loading resources from the s3gw host, culminating in a non-working (or misbehaving) s3gw-ui.

We have employed mitigation strategies to address this behavior. For development purposes, we use a local web server that both serves the frontend and at the same time acts as a proxy to s3gw; resources are thus served through this web server, and, from the client's point of view, their origin is in practice the same host the s3gw-ui's application is being served from -- CORS does not apply in this case. For production systems, we have instead opted to have a middleware, traefik, that rewrites request response headers originating from s3gw, populating said response with CORS headers.

The latter scenario, the one our users rely on, poses a significant problem: by rewriting the headers so the s3gw-ui is able to access the s3gw resources, we are not honoring the user-specified bucket-specific CORS policies. On the other hand, if we choose to honor those policies, we expose the s3gw-ui to the possibility of being unable to administrate s3gw as it is supposed to.

s3gw managed by other UIs (e.g., Longhorn)

As our integration with Longhorn approaches, we may want to perform a subset of the operation s3gw-ui currently supports via the Longhorn UI, for better integration. The approaches to such integration are out of the scope of this document, but it is important to keep this in mind when choosing an option under consideration. For instance, whether the selected option addresses the CORS issue throughout the board; and whether the selected option may be sustainable down the line.

Multiple s3gw instances managed by the same s3gw-ui

As we move closer to production environments, we will likely be expected to have multiple s3gw instances in the same cluster. While we can always have one s3gw-ui instance per s3gw service, we should consider having one single s3gw-ui able to centrally manage multiple s3gw service instances.

Considered Options

With the intent to address the problems previously described, we have considered several different options. This section describes them.

Web Proxy

By setting a web proxy somewhere between the client and s3gw, for UI purposes, we could rewrite CORS headers solely for the UI use-case. However, it's not clear how this could be achieved. We would likely have to target client-side requests to a different address than the one s3gw lives in, proxying the requests to the s3gw service then.

While this could potentially solve the CORS issue for the s3gw-ui client's browser, and potentially for the Longhorn UI, we could have a maintainability issue in our hands: this option requires the latter to implement a lot of the same logic as s3gw-ui. Additionally, this would require multiple proxies in the same cluster, should we want to have the same s3gw-ui managing multiple s3gw instances; or, at least, be able to have the same proxy differentiating between the various s3gw instances while handling requests from the same s3gw-ui address.

Serving s3gw-ui from the same address as s3gw

There are two options to serve s3gw-ui to the user's browser froms3gw:

  1. Modifying RGW's code to support serving the UI directly; or,
  2. Use something like nginx's path-based routing to essentially proxy between the user's browser and both s3gw-ui and s3gw.

Both these options suffer from the same problems though: we would always need to allocate a special-purpose path for the s3gw-ui to be served from (which would be a special bucket when using path-based buckets), and we would still have CORS issues when accessing vhost-based buckets (because the UI would be served from a different vhost than the s3gw-ui address).

Additionally, we would be unable to manage several instances from the same s3gw-ui, and we would still need to duplicate logic in the Longhorn UI.

Always honoring CORS Headers from s3gw

Alternatively, instead of attempting to deal with CORS headers, we could simply ensure s3gw always allowed any host from accessing its resources except when a given bucket had a user-specified CORS policy. In this case, the s3gw-ui would function normally, except when a given bucket's CORS policy prevented s3gw-ui access.

The s3gw-ui could handle these cases, and simply prevent access to such a bucket. However, we believe this defeats the purpose of s3gw-ui as an administration and management tool for s3gw.

Tweaking s3gw to honor CORS Headers except for the s3gw-ui

This option comes in line with the previous, but instead of always honoring all the CORS headers, the s3gw service would reply with custom CORS headers should the request from the client browser provide some form of identification mechanism that would allow s3gw to understand the request came from s3gw-ui.

The main problem with this approach is that it is essentially a hack, and obscure.

s3gw-ui specific Backend

Another alternative is to have an s3gw-ui-specific backend, which acts much like a proxy, but unlike a proxy it actually holds the logic to interact with s3gw. This backend is nothing more than a web server, serving the s3gw-ui's UI (frontend) to the user's browser (1, 2). Once loaded in the user's browser, the frontend will then issue REST calls to the backend (3) to perform its operations. These may trigger s3gw calls from the backend (4, 5), which will then reply back to the frontend (6).

The major benefit of this approach is that it solves CORS for us: because the frontend is being served by the same host it is calling on to perform its operations, the browser is not subject to s3gw-specific CORS policies. And the backend is not subject to those same CORS policies because it is not a browser.

There are pros and cons about this approach though. On the cons side, we have the need to split the logic to interact with s3gw from the frontend into the backend; and we will have a new codebase to maintain. On the pros side, we not only get rid of the CORS issue, but we can have the frontend issuing complex operations to the backend, which will then handle their complexity. Further, by splitting the logic to interact with s3gw to the backend, we can now support managing and administrating multiple s3gw from the same frontend, and use a different frontend than the one provided by s3gw-ui to manage s3gw (as long as they interact with the s3gw-ui backend).

The diagram above is much like the previous diagram, but it shows two instances of s3gw running on the cluster, with the user's browser being able to manage and administrate both from the same s3gw-ui instance.

Decision Outcome

Amongst the various options, the most versatile and flexible option is the s3gw-ui-specific backend. Not only it allows us to circumvent the CORS issue we have been facing, it also brings to the table more potential future directions.

While the team is familiar with approaches and technologies for its implementation, we are still faced with some challenges, discussed further down.


Consensus was achieved around using Python as the implementation language for the s3gw-ui backend, using FastAPI as the web framework. We have had previous experience with both during the Aquarium project, and both are battle tested, production ready technologies. For the S3 dialect, boto3 seems to be the best library to rely on.

Communication between the user's browser and the s3gw-ui backend will be protected by SSL, and user authentication will rely on JSON Web Tokens (JWT), which is trivial to implement with FastAPI.

Depending how we choose to implement user authentication with s3gw, whether directly using AWS credentials (current behavior) or by keeping those credentials in the s3gw-ui backend and relying instead on s3gw-ui-specific usernames and passwords, we may also need to have some form of data store for secrets. This data store becomes imperative in case we are managing multiple s3gw instances, given we will need to keep track of their addresses.

For the development of the s3gw-ui backend, we will rely on black for code formatting, pyright as a static type checker, and tox with pytest for tests.


While the current s3gw-ui implementations talks to s3gw using S3 dialect via REST, we will now have an intermediary between the s3gw-ui frontend and the s3gw; i.e., the s3gw-ui backend. In this case, it will be the s3gw-ui backend that will communicate with s3gw using the S3 dialect, via REST, while the s3gw-ui frontend will communicate with the s3gw-ui backend using a specific REST API dialect, tailored to the frontend's needs.

For example, lets assume the s3gw-ui frontend desires to know all buckets in the system, the number of objects, and each bucket's total size. Currently, this means performing several different operations to s3gw, and processing the results in the frontend. With the new approach, the s3gw-ui frontend will simply ask its backend for this information in one single call (e.g., /bucket/statistics?buckets=all), and it will be the s3gw-ui backend's responsibility to perform the needed operations to s3gw to obtain the relevant information.


The s3gw-ui backend should be part of the s3gw-ui repository. The best approach for file organization within the repository is beyond the scope of this document.


The main challenge will be to implement the backend from scratch, ensure its correctness, and create a new testing pipeline, as our commitment deadlines approaches.


  1. While FastAPI packages are now available for openSUSE Tumbleweed, they are not available for openSUSE Leap, on which our container builds are based. We will have to rely on installing from the Python Package Index (PyPI).
  2. Because the s3gw-ui frontend no longer communicates directly with s3gw, and the s3gw-ui backend requires user credentials to perform operations in s3gw, we will have to find a way to pass the user's credentials to the s3gw-ui backend.
  3. When managing multiple s3gw instances, different s3gw instances may have (and should have) different credentials and users. We will need to decide how user credentials should be handled and managed, especially for administrator roles that are intended to manage and administrate multiple s3gw instances.