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All future items in this document are forward-looking statements, and subject to change. Please don't hesitate in providing us with feedback, may it be on these items or additional features, so we can consider and prioritize them accordingly.


Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4


Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4


Quarter 1

  • Brainstorm process

Quarter 2

  • Initial project setup
  • First tests with RGW
  • UI mockups

Quarter 3

  • File-based backend
  • Basic S3 operations support
  • User management
  • Helm charts
  • Testing
  • UI implementation
  • Documentation
  • Basic object management & versioning
  • Bucket management
  • Automation implementation

Quarter 4

  • Object deletion/undeletion
  • Multipart uploads
  • Multipart copy
  • ACL support
  • UI: Basic object explorer
  • Rancher Partner chart

Plan of direction

Features the team wants to develop but are currently not a top priority.

In scope

Features that aren't currently planned but the project would accept external contributions.

Out of scope

Features that aren't being considered unless core assumptions change.

  • None at the moment

!!! Info Please note that this roadmap is an evergreen document and will most certainly evolve as we continue to learn from our users.